About Spain About Spain

About Spain

Location, location, location (and properties)

Location, location, location (and properties)
20 Feb 2020

Did you know we offer inspection trips?

These aren´t for everybody, and typically need to be with at least 2 days during the week. Typically 3 nights, 4 days, our agents will collect you from the airport and return you to the airport. You pay for the flights, we pay for the accommodation. This is an exclusive trip with Casas Espania, and no other agents are involved. We tend to show clients areas, and then properties in the preferred areas. We hold the clients hand throughout the whole process, and we do not offer the "hard sell"- our clients become part of the "Casas Espania family"- we´re not just there for the sale, we are there before, during and after.

A trip not for you, and you are planning to be in the area? Did you know that MANY agents in the Costa Blanca use Casas Espania as a "property warehouse"- advertising our properties on their website as if they are theirs.

Typically, they aren´t.

Dealing direct with us, we deal direct with the owners. This means that we can get the best deal for YOU as there will only be our fees included in the price and not another agents.

Spend a day or two with us- you make arrangements to be in the area (flights, accommodation, etc.) and arrange with us when and where you would like to meet. If you give us a day or two and a wish list, we will show you areas and properties, and give you the same level of service we provide all of our clients.

Want to know more? Contact us for more information- our team will be more than happy to assist you in finding your dream home in Spain.

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